Project News

ICMPD opens three Ukrainian Consultation Centres in Prague, Berlin and Gdansk

09 June 2023

Poland, Germany, Czechia, Ukraine

In May 2023, ICMPD’s Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office established three Ukrainian Consultation Centres in Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic within the framework of the RRR-MFA/SMS (Resilience, Reinforcement and Recovery of Ukrainian Migration and Consular Services) project. The project is funded by the Ministry of Interior of Germany and the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and implemented by ICMPD.

Establishing the Ukrainian Consultation Centres is a cornerstone of the RRR-MFA/SMS project. Notably, the Centres are currently in a piloting phase. Since launching the project in November 2022, the project team has carried out an assessment study on the ongoing situation of Ukrainian temporary displaced persons in the three EU MS where the majority of Ukrainians currently reside: Poland, Czech Republic and Germany. The Consultation Centres aim to provide clear, timely, accessible and understandable information to temporarily displaced persons from Ukraine in their native language and for free. The Centres also closely cooperate with the Ukrainian consulates, and the Prague and Gdansk Centres also provide citizens with pre-consular support and assistance by filling out official paperwork, for example, or providing information on consular affairs, while supporting Ukrainian consulates by taking over part of their workload. Furthermore, the Consultation Centres provide information on services and programmes available to citizens from the Ukrainian government and state agencies, including legal matters or updates related to the national legislation. In addition, the Centre staff can give references and referrals to the services of Ukrainian State Enterprise ‘Document’ (ID and Passport issuing agency), host country services, diaspora organisations or other NGOs. Later on, the Centres will carry out outreach sessions, information campaigns and networking events to involve other stakeholders in their activities.  

The Consultation Centre in Prague, Czech Republic, is strategically located within the KACPU building (Regional Assistance Centre for Helping Ukraine), where Ukrainian displaced persons go for registration and arrangement of temporary protection, in addition to other assistance and services the Czech government provides to the Ukrainian citizens. Staffed by trained, Ukrainian-speaking counsellors, the Ukrainian Consultation Centre has been operational since 1 May 2023. The Centre has had many walk-in visitors, mainly women and from Prague, even though they have received a number of calls and emails from other regions as well. Inquiries range from questions related to pre-consular matters, passports and notary acts to support with filling out official documents.

Over in Poland, situated directly next door to the General Consulate of Ukraine in Gdansk, the Consultation Centre provides information and assistance to the Ukrainian temporarily displaced persons in Poland. The Centre has been operational since 23 May 2023, staffed by trained, Ukrainian-speaking counsellors. Given the Centre’s proximity to the Consulate of Ukraine in Gdansk, the staff work closely with the consular officers, providing referrals and support to citizens prior to their visit to the consulate. Furthermore, the Centre has a very active hotline, receiving over 60 requests in the first week of opening, with questions ranging from residence and registration matters to education and healthcare. The Centre also provides referrals to the Gdansk Branch of the Ukrainian State Enterprise ‘Document’ and has established close ties with local Polish authorities, other NGOs (including a similar Consultation Centre of the Ukrainian House in Warsaw), and diaspora organisations active in the area.

Most recently, on 26 May 2023, the Ukrainian Consultation Centre opened its doors in Berlin, Germany. Located in the same building as the Berlin Branch of the Ukrainian State Enterprise ‘Document’, the Consultation Centre was opened in close cooperation with LaruHelpsUkraine e.V., a non-profit humanitarian organisation with extensive experience in information and assistance provision to Ukrainian displaced persons since the breakout of Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The Consultation Centre provides Ukrainian nationals with a wide range of services and assistance related to healthcare, education, registration and more.

Overall, the Consultation Centres aim to accomplish several tasks, in addition to information and assistance provision to Ukrainian citizens in Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany, the Centre staff regularly participates in trainings and workshops in order to strengthen their skills and knowledge. Furthermore, each Centre has an internal knowledge database that is regularly updated, and the staff continue to systematically collect needs, challenges and feedback from all the visitors – Ukrainian displaced persons – who visit the Centres in person, call over the phone or contact the staff online.

Considering the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has lasted over a year now, the circumstances significantly impact the lives of those forced to flee their homes. More and more temporarily displaced Ukrainians find themselves in difficult and vulnerable situations, thus, requiring support in the host countries. Therefore, the need for Ukrainian-speaking consultation services in the host communities will remain a vital necessity for months to come. However, once the war ends, the project team will redesign the concept of the Consultation Centres for them to take on a different direction, and in close coordination with Ukrainian authorities, to transform the Centres into consultation points for safe return and reintegration back to Ukraine.
