Project News

EUTF project “Strengthening Border Security in Ghana” launched

11 February 2020

The project "Strengthening Border Security in Ghana" (SBS Ghana) was launched on 6 February 2020 at the Ghana Immigration Service headquarters. The project aims at improving border management and security in Ghana.

The project officially kicked-off with a ceremony, which was attended by the Minister of Interior, Ambrose Dery, the EU Ambassador Diana Acconcia and the Comptroller General of Immigration and Kwame Asuah Takyi, among other authorities. ICMPD and the Ghana Immigration Service signed a memorandum of understanding on the implementation of the SBS project.

The four-year-project’s objective is to improve border management and security in Ghana, by reducing irregular migration, human trafficking and other cross-border crimes. SBS Ghana, with a budget of 5 million euro, has two components: the first focuses on the support of the Ghana Immigration Service through capacity building, including human rights standards, and provision of equipment. The Ghana Police Service and the Ghana Customs Authority will be associated for joint activities.

The second component is dedicated to civil society organisations, media networks and local authorities: a specific call for proposals will support innovative projects to improve cross-border and mobility issues. 

The project is funded by European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), and will be implemented by ICMPD in collaboration with the Ghana Immigration Service.
