Project News

EUROMED Migration V and Euromesco release survey of migration experts in EU’s Southern Neighbourhood

19 April 2022

EUROMED Migration V and Euromesco, the main network of research centres and think tanks in the Euro-Mediterranean area, release a survey of migration experts in the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood titled “Towards sustainable and mutually beneficial migration partnerships in the South Mediterranean”

The introductory block of the survey tackled the most important migration policy areas from the perspective of the South Partner Countries (SPCs). Additionally, and to invite considerations on the cross-regional dimension of migration flows, it asked respondents to indicate which of the same areas should be prioritised in the relations with neighbouring countries (other than the EU or EU Member States). The options proposed to respondents are taken from the terminology and areas of action envisaged in the EU Pact’

Main findings:

There is a consensus amongst respondents of the survey that building economic opportunities and addressing root causes of irregular migration is the most important policy area, closely followed by countering smuggling and trafficking of human beings.

In relation to priority areas of cooperation with (non-EU) neighbours, respondents rank counter-smuggling activities first. Building economic opportunities and addressing root causes of irregular migration comes second.

Maghreb respondents consider that building economic opportunities and addressing root causes of irregular migration is both the most important policy area and a cooperation priority.

Mashrek respondents consider that addressing the needs of migrants and forcibly displaced persons in vulnerable situations is as important as addressing root causes of migration, while the cooperation priority is countering smuggling and trafficking of human beings.
