Project News

EU supports the Border and Migration Police of the Albanian State Police of the Ministry of Interior in countering cross-border organised crime

22 July 2020

In the framework of the EU funded project EU Support for the effective management of green and blue borders in Albania (EU4SAFEALB) implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the assessment mission took place in Albania between 6 to 17 July 2020. 

The project was launched in February 2020, however it was temporarily suspended due to the COVID -19 pandemic and the project resumed in June 2020, when the epidemic picture in EU and Albania improved and allowed for a safe assessment mission. The assessment mission was conducted from 6 to 17 July, 2020and covered the maritime and land border, with a focus on gaps and needs assessment primarily of ASP Border and Migration police equipment as well as the needs on BMP operational capacities.  The assessment team was composed of experts from the EU Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia) with substantial experience in maritime and land border management, knowledge of the integrated border surveillance solutions, and capacity building.    

The ICMPD assessment team will prepare a report with findings and recommendations, which will support further developments of technical specifications prior to launching a public tender. The report will provide up-to-date status on the available equipment, gaps and needs for additional equipment that will be procured under the umbrella of the project. The project will pay specific attention to sustainability of procured equipment through strengthening of maintenance capacities of the Border and Migration Police. The project implementation team will propose eco and environmental friendly equipment, with a low negative impact on environment. 

The findings and recommendations will also serve the Albanian State Police and its Border and Migration Police as a tool to approach other donor and raise funds for additional need in the area of countering cross border organised crime and drug trafficking.

The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Interior of Albania Ms Rovena Voda informed about the  full support to the project and said: "The Ministry of Interior appreciates the systematic support provided by the EU in enhancing its border management capacity hoping that the assessment provides the practical basis of the assistance in the framework of the current and upcoming projects". 

The Ambassador of the European Union in Albania, Mr Luigi Soreca said: "Migratory flows and migrant smuggling are a joint challenge for the European Union, its Member States and its closest neighbours, including Albania.  They can be effectively addressed only if we work together. This project will contribute to tackle cross-border criminal activities and to enhance border management capacities."

The project will build on the assistance already provided to Albanian Border and Migration Police in the recent years and will cover the immediate needs enhancing the overall national capacity to counter all cross-border organised crime including drugs trafficking via Albania’s borders. 
