Project News

C2CMMD Strategic Update Meeting revitalises EU-AU Continental Migration Dialogue

04 July 2024

On 27 June 2024, the Continent-to-Continent Migration and Mobility Dialogue (C2CMMD) convened a strategic update meeting in Brussels, marking the first in-person gathering since December 2019, and bringing together the co-chairs from the European Union (EU) and the African Union Commission (AUC), as well as respective thematic focal points. 

The meeting aimed to revamp the C2CMMD, and lay a strong foundation for bolstering its strategic and governance framework. Key discussions centred on the thematic priorities for the upcoming period and reflections on the way forward. These priorities are anchored in the Nairobi Action Points which were agreed upon in December 2019, and include Remittances; Support to the AU Diaspora Legacy Projects; Information and Intelligence Sharing; Return, Readmission and Reintegration; Legal Pathways; and the AU Free Movement Protocol. Going forward, stakeholders agreed to set priorities for the next implementation period that are reflective of emerging needs and objectives. 

While ICMPD, in its capacity as the Secretariat of the Dialogue has been regularly engaging with the partners virtually, for the strategic guidance as well as for the implementation of activities, both chairs emphasised the significance of this meeting. They agreed that achieving common goals hinges on the principles of Collaboration, Co-creation, and Continuity. They highlighted that this meeting serves as an opportunity for the revitalisation, reinvigoration, and renewal of the partnership, which is guided by the Joint Vision for 2030, established at the EU-AU Summit in February 2022, and the Agenda 2063 for Africa.

The co-chairs also underscored the value of the Dialogue as a catalyst for shaping the global migration discourse, and stressed the importance of uniting efforts to ensure that human rights are at the forefront of migration discussions. Access to accurate information is crucial for stakeholders, as it forms the basis for investments and implementation, and such access is best achieved through sustained dialogue. International partnerships remain central to this endeavour, recognising that migration is a global phenomenon requiring a collective response. 

This strategic update meeting not only reaffirmed the commitment of the EU and AUC to their joint objectives but also highlighted the critical role of C2CMMD in fostering informed and cooperative approaches to migration governance.
