Featured Study of the Month

As lead in migration dialogues, ICMPD uses research to guide its policy development and programme implementation work across all levels of the organisation. Here we feature the studies and data initiatives that our experts produce, highlighting the unique contexts and needs of persons on the move, as well as the challenges and opportunities that define the migration narrative for Europe and beyond.

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ICMPD opens more Migrant Resource Centres in Iraq, Pakistan

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) opens new Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs) in Iraq and Pakistan. The MRCs promote safe and regular migration processes for prospective migrants, fight trafficking and people-smuggling through raising awareness, provide pre-departure counselling for emigrants, post-arrival briefings to migrant workers and offer re-integration support for the returnees.

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Breaking taboos: EU asylum and migration policy since 2020

This commentary reflects on the major migration-related policy developments over the past four years that influenced or culminated in the EU’s new Pact on Migration and Asylum. It describes a radically changed landscape since 2020, when governments — principally out of realpolitik — broke taboos, one by one, right across the migration policy spectrum, a trend which looks set to continue after the European elections on 6-9 June.

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EUDiF publishes Diaspora Youth Recommendations on integrating youth in migration policy processes

15 July 2024

On World Youth Skills Day, the EU Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) publishes recommendations from diaspora youth on how to integrate youth perspectives in migration policy processes and beyond. The recommendations cover recognition of youth expertise, access to funding and inclusion in governance structures.

OECD-ICMPD hold a joint conference on Skills Mobility Partnerships

09 July 2024


On 19 June 2024, ICMPD and the OECD held a joint conference on Skills Mobility Partnerships (SMPs), in Paris, France. The event, organised under the auspices of Greece’s 2024 Chairmanship of the ICMPD Steering Group, brought together approximately 130 representatives from governments, international organisations, the European Commission, and the private sector to discuss challenges, opportunities, and innovations shaping the future of labour mobility initiatives and legal labour migration in general.

Local Immigration Units serve as anchors in Cabo Verde migration landscape

08 July 2024

Cabo Verde

In the past year alone, Cabo Verde has seen a steep increase in migrant arrivals on boats, mostly aiming for the Canary Islands — the closest European destination they can try to reach. Dozens arrived on the island of São Vicente; while in 2023, from those who survived the journey, 38 arrived in Sal and 90 in Boa Vista.

C2CMMD Strategic Update Meeting revitalises EU-AU Continental Migration Dialogue

04 July 2024

On 27 June 2024, the Continent-to-Continent Migration and Mobility Dialogue (C2CMMD) convened a strategic update meeting in Brussels, marking the first in-person gathering since December 2019, and bringing together the co-chairs from the European Union (EU) and the African Union Commission (AUC), as well as respective thematic focal points. 

ICMPD Director General and Iraqi delegation meet to further strengthen cooperation in the Silk Routes region

03 July 2024

On Friday 28 June, the Director General of ICMPD, Michael Spindelegger, and the ICMPD Silk Routes regional office team met with a high-level Iraqi delegation in Vienna to discuss ongoing cooperation, key areas of work and the strategic pathway forward.

The EU in the global race for talent attraction and retention

01 July 2024

*European Union

Europe needs more workers. But as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia dominate the global labour market¹, the European Union is caught in a ‘bruising worldwide battle’ to attract and keep workers in the region². Even as some Member States remain in strong positions, the EU collectively falls behind in recruiting and retaining international talent.

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