6 Takeaways on Europe’s protection challenge: Preparing for the next stage

Released 14 September 2022

Takeaways from the special Vienna Migration Conference event held in Berlin under the auspices of the German Chair of the ICMPD Steering Group on 27 June 2022.

7 takeaways for migration governance in turbulent times

Released 23 November 2022

Takeaways from Vienna Migration Conference 2022, ICMPD’s annual flagship event, held 11-12 October 2022.

7 takeaways on Emerging Challenges in the Area of Migrant Smuggling

Released 26 January 2022

Takeaways from a senior expert discussion on 1 December 2021

6 takeaways for re-imagining migration partnerships

Released 10 November 2021

Takeaways from the Vienna Migration Conference 2021, held 19-20 October 2021

5 takeaways on fast tracking the labour market integration of Ukrainian refugees

Released 06 December 2022

Takeaways from a webinar held in the framework of the SprINg project on 18 October 2022.

Could disruptions to Eastern European wheat spur displacement in Africa?

Released 10 May 2022

The war in Ukraine is having far-reaching repercussions on many countries around the world, including in Africa, where it is affecting food security, job markets and energy prices. This article investigates the early impact of the war on food shortages across Africa and what it could mean for displacement in the continent and beyond.

8 takeaways on entrepreneurship as a driver of economic inclusion

Released 14 July 2022

Takeaways from a webinar held in the framework of the SPRING project on 2 June 2022.

Migration narratives across three levels of governance

Released 06 May 2022

Narratives are among the most important determinants of public attitudes and behaviour – and a powerful source of (mis)perceptions. Migration narratives are shaped mainly at three levels of governance: international, national, and local. This article, introduces the concept of “governance of migration narratives”, examining three key questions: How do actors operating at the different levels craft and disseminate migration narratives?; How do these actors interact with one another?; and How does this interaction impact policymaking?

Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia have their European prospects confirmed. What does it mean for migration policies?

Released 05 August 2022

Ukraine presented its application for EU membership on 28 February 2022, five days after Russia’s military aggression. Moldova and Georgia followed suit on 3 March 2022, both applications being tabled in the context of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. These developments bring important implications for the region’s migration policies, practices, and prospects.

Getting Ukrainian refugees into work: The importance of early competence checks

Released 28 March 2022

The activation of the Temporary Protection Directive provides Ukrainian refugees with immediate access to employment in the EU. Skills assessments and competence checks are important tools to steer the first phase of labour market inclusion. Their aim is to match refugees’ skills with labour market demands to identify additional training needs and avoid underemployment, brain waste and brain loss.

The diaspora response to war in Ukraine

Released 10 June 2022

Since the escalation of war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, Ukrainian diaspora members worldwide have responded with an outpouring of grief and solidarity to pragmatically assist fellow nationals in distress and advocate for an end to the conflict. This article focuses on the immediate response of Ukrainians abroad following Russia’s invasion in late February 2022, which triggered a fresh surge of diasporic activities that has been unique in scale and creativity, displaying new ways of engagement.

Are rural areas across Europe viable destinations for Ukrainian refugee women?

Released 01 June 2022

The majority of the nearly 7 million Ukrainian refugees who have left their country since the outbreak of conflict in February 2022 are women who seek protection in neighbouring countries. Many of them are currently located in national capitals or large cities. Recent discussion on how to relieve the pressure on the infrastructure of these cities has focused on accommodating refugees in rural areas. Migration and integration research highlights several important aspects regarding the integration of refugees in rural areas.

5 takeaways on non-EU pathways to protection amid conflict in Ukraine

Released 21 July 2022

Takeaways from the ICMPD-MPC webinarFar(ther) from home: Pathways to protection beyond the EU for those fleeing Ukraine, held on 6 July 2022.

Integration of Ukrainian refugees: The road ahead

Released 08 March 2022

Over 2 million people have fled across Ukraine’s borders following Russia’s invasion on 24 February. Right now, attention is understandably focused on their entry and reception. But soon the EU will need to consider how to best help these newcomers settle in. Last week’s activation of the Temporary Protection Directive gives (mainly) Ukrainians the right to access key integration-related services and employment. National administrations now face an enormous challenge to make such access a reality.

The war in Ukraine and the renaissance of temporary protection - why this might be the only way to go

Released 02 March 2022

This Thursday, 3 March 2022, an Extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council meeting is expected to vote on a proposal by the European Commission to activate the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive for the first time for people fleeing the war in Ukraine. There are good reasons to do so. 

Temporary protection: 18 months in force, 18 to go - and then?

Released 04 September 2023

The EU Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) has now been activated for 18 months, providing immediate assistance to millions who fled the war in Ukraine. While it has been praised for its success, uncertainty remains about what will happen once it ends. Discussions have put forth ideas ranging from EU-wide approaches to individual national solutions. The urgency of this matter, however, has yet to fully resonate with policymakers and commentators, even as we reach the halfway point of the directive’s maximum duration. Just 18 months remain to forge a plan for what will come after. 

Can the EU Talent Pool drive complementary pathways to the EU?

Released 12 June 2023

Within the EU, there are growing concerns about the ever-increasing numbers of displaced persons globally on the one hand, and the ever-increasing need for workers in all sectors on the other. While displacement and labour shortages are treated as separate policy areas, their potential solutions might be well connected. Complementary labour pathways are a promising solution for both challenges, and the EU Talent Pool could support their expansion in Europe if accompanying measures help it to meaningfully include displaced persons and support employers.

Temporary protection for Ukrainians in Moldova: Achievements and challenges

Released 04 July 2023

The Russian attempt at outright invasion of Ukraine has caused huge loss of life and led to levels of forced displacement unprecedented in recent history. Over six million people from Ukraine have sought protection abroad, with a significant proportion crossing into neighbouring Moldova. Currently hosting more Ukrainian refugees per capita than any other state, Moldova has shown remarkable resilience in accommodating Ukrainians, now hosted under a temporary protection regime.

The clock is ticking for temporary protection: What comes next?

Released 01 March 2023

In March 2025 at the latest, temporary protection for people fleeing Ukraine comes to an end. Determining what comes next is a complex process in which host countries must navigate multiple policy options, practical considerations, and political and economic interests. There is no time to waste in developing a coordinated approach, particularly due to the large number of people concerned, the range of countries involved, and the prospect of necessary legislative changes.

A perfect storm of crises: Why refugee-hosting countries need more support

Released 15 March 2023

Low- and middle-income countries hosting refugees are facing unprecedented challenges: A slew of interlocking crises, including regional instability, economic recessions, climate change, and natural disasters, have created a devastating cocktail. Collective action, premised on the principles of solidarity and responsibility sharing, is required to develop new and creative solutions.

Challenging misconceptions on human mobility and climate change

Released 21 April 2023

Debate on the interplay between climate change and mobility has occupied an increasingly prominent place on the international agenda over the past decade – and we now have solid understanding of the climate-mobility linkage. However, a plethora of persisting misconceptions continue to mar a meaningful, solution-oriented conversation on the topic. This commentary addresses some of the more enduring of these misconceptions.

Displacement, integration, and return: What remote work possibilities for Ukrainians?

Released 21 February 2023

One year after the Russian invasion, much uncertainty remains. Remote work can provide a degree of flexibility for some refugees from Ukraine, supporting integration in the short term and reconstruction in the long term. Supporting Ukrainian teleworkers is a smart move.

Same but different: Strategies in the global race for talent

Released 01 February 2023

In the global race for talent, the EU is struggling to keep up with frontrunners like Canada and Australia. Despite their differences, the EU and its Member States could turn to leading nations for inspiration on attracting and retaining global talent.

Asylum seeker dispersal policies – Setting the stage for successful integration?

Released 25 October 2023

National policies of dispersal, which seek to distribute asylum seekers across different parts of the country, typically give only limited consideration to newcomers’ professional profiles and personal preferences and to characteristics of receiving communities. If they are willing to look at the fuller picture, and facilitate a better match, dispersal policies can become more effective in supporting integration and fostering local development.

5 takeaways for strengthening migration governance for the future

Released 06 November 2023

Takeaways from Vienna Migration Conference 2023, ICMPD’s annual flagship event, held 10-11 October 2023.
