PACT: Supporting Institutional Capacity and Policy Development Processes in the Area of Asylum


Asylum and International Protection / Capacity Development / Research / Refugee / Internal Protection / Asylum and International Protection / Asylum Policy / Asylum / Reception Conditions / Reception Directive / Refugee Law

MMD: Migration and Mobility Dialogue Support Programme

Algeria / Austria / Belgium / Benin / Bulgaria / Burkina Faso / Cabo Verde / Cameroon / Central African Republic / Chad / Congo (Republic of) / Croatia / Cyprus / Czechia / Denmark / Djibouti / Egypt / Eritrea / Estonia / Ethiopia / Equatorial Guinea / Finland / France / Gabon / Gambia / Ghana / Germany / Greece / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Hungary / Ireland / Italy / Kenya / Côte d'Ivoire / Latvia / Liberia / Libya / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Mali / Malta / Mauritania / Morocco / Netherlands / Niger / Nigeria / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Sao Tome and Principe / Senegal / Sierra Leone / Slovakia / Slovenia / Somalia / South Sudan / Spain / Sudan / Sweden / Switzerland / Togo / Tunisia / Uganda

Return and Reintegration / Migration and Development / Trafficking in Human Beings / Legal and Labour Migration / Irregular Migration / Migration Dialogues

FReM III: Forced-Return Monitoring III

Austria / Belgium / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czechia / Finland / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Italy / Latvia / Luxembourg / Malta / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Slovakia / Sweden / Switzerland

Return and Reintegration / Forced Return

Diasporal Dialogue


Diaspora and Migrants

ICMPD responds to the Ukraine refugee situation

Released 09 March 2022

ICMPD has a long-standing cooperation with Ukraine dating back to 1995. Numerous joint projects were implemented, cooperation is ongoing on multilateral and bilateral levels and in 2021 the ICMPD Kyiv Office was established. ICMPD is thus closely monitoring the developments in Ukraine. Due to the security situation, the ICMPD office has been temporarily closed. The project teams continue their work from other duty stations whenever possible. Below, we are gathering our policy, research, and capacity-building activities to reflect ICMPD's ongoing engagement in Ukraine.

CADRE: Capacity Development and Training for Return Counsellors

Austria / Belgium / Denmark / Finland / France / Germany / Malta / Netherlands / Norway / Sweden

Return and Reintegration / Return and Reintegration

ICMPD Director General visits Türkiye after earthquake catastrophe

Released 20 March 2023

On 6-8 March 2023, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger visited Türkiye, where he met Mr. Süleyman Soylu, Minister of Interior, Mr. Savaş Ünlü, the President of the Presidency of Migration Management and other high-level officials. The aim of the visit was to express ICMPD’s condolences following the catastrophe and its commitment to support Turkish authorities in the relief efforts in the affected regions, as well as to exchange updates and ideas for mid and long term support efforts.

LIBMITAF: Libya’s Migration Technical Assistance Facility


Capacity Development / Cross Cutting Topics / Governance

Inspire Project concludes promoting innovative skills partnerships for sustainable development

Released 01 March 2024

On February 20, the Inspire Project concluded its two-year implementation with a closing event in Brussels, organised by ICMPD. Seventy-two participants (online and in-person) were brought together to reflect on the journey and accomplishments, including representatives from the public and private sectors of Inspire's focus countries, national and international organisations, migration specialists, and the European Commission.

PROTECT project “Improving Migration Management in Selected Silk Routes and Central Asian Countries” launches in Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Released 07 March 2024

On 5 March 2024, The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) officially launched the project "Improving Migration Management in Selected Silk Routes and Central Asian Countries,". The project, funded by the European Union, is a testament to the EU and ICMPD's commitment to migration management. It will set up the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) in Osh in partnership with the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration. 

ENHANCER entrepreneurs met with the business world in Kayseri

Released 18 March 2024

On 07 March 2024, the ENHANCER Business Networking Event was organised in coordination with the Directorate General of Development Agencies within the Ministry of Industry and Technology in Kayseri. Co-hosted by the Kayseri Chamber of Commerce, the event succeeded in hosting 174 Turkish and Syrian existing and potential entrepreneurs from Kayseri.

EU Training Support to Libya’s Border Security and Management Institutions


Border Management and Security / Capacity Development

ALBSaM: Advancing Libya’s Border Security and Management


Border Management and Security / Capacity Building

IBM Silk Routes: Advancing International Cooperation for Border Management in Iraq

Released 15 April 2024

On 14-15 April 2024, a workshop on International Cooperation was convened in collaboration with the European Union Advisory Mission to Iraq (EUAM-I) and the National Security Advisory of Iraq within the framework of Iraq's National Integrated Border Management (IBM) Strategy in Baghdad. 

IBM Silk Routes: Strengthening cooperation in border management

Released 17 April 2024

The ICMPD team from the Regional Office Silk Routes visited Baghdad for a round of high-level bilateral meetings and events. On 15 April, a meeting was held with the Ministry of Interior, one of the key partners for ICMPD in Iraq, focusing on enhancing the ongoing cooperation, particularly within the framework of border management initiatives.

FAiR: Workshop on Human Rights Monitoring of Forced Return

Released 30 April 2024

On 16th April, ICMPD organised together with the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences a workshop in Warsaw dedicated to enhancing human rights monitoring in the context of forced returns. The workshop took place within the framework of the Horizon Europe project “Finding Agreement in Return” (FAiR) which assesses the legitimacy and effectiveness of the EU’s return policies.


Inauguration of Nordic Cooperation on Return and Reintegration in Iraq (NORAQ) Framework

Released 11 June 2024

On June 4 2024, the Nordic countries launched NORAQ (Nordic Support on Return and Reintegration in Iraq), a joint initiative aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges of migration management in Iraq. The inauguration ceremony took place in Baghdad marking a step towards enhanced cooperation and support for Iraq's migration and reintegration efforts.

ICMPD Director General participated in the Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference 2024

Released 27 June 2024

On 25 and 26 June 2024, ICMPD’s Director General, Michael Spindelegger, participated in the Salzburg Forum Ministerial Conference 2024 in Laxenburg, Austria. The Salzburg Forum is a Central European security partnership focused on fostering dialogue on internal security among relevant stakeholders. In this edition, organised by the Austrian Chairmanship of the Salzburg Forum, the topic of migration and the fight against human trafficking was one of the focus areas of the conference.

EUDiF publishes Diaspora Youth Recommendations on integrating youth in migration policy processes

Released 15 July 2024

On World Youth Skills Day, the EU Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) publishes recommendations from diaspora youth on how to integrate youth perspectives in migration policy processes and beyond. The recommendations cover recognition of youth expertise, access to funding and inclusion in governance structures.

SMMIG Project: Successful conclusion of its six-year implementation journey in Ghana

Released 21 August 2024

In a memorable event that echoed with recognition and gratitude, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) marked the closing of the Strengthening Border and Migration Management in Ghana (SMMIG) project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. The Dinner and Award night took place on July 30, 2024, at the Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel.

ICMPD opens more Migrant Resource Centres in Iraq, Pakistan

Released 07 June 2024

VIENNA, 6 June 2024 – The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) opens new Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs) in Iraq and Pakistan. The MRCs promote safe and regular migration processes for prospective migrants, fight trafficking and people-smuggling through raising awareness, provide pre-departure counselling for emigrants, post-arrival briefings to migrant workers and offer re-integration support for the returnees.

IBM Silk Routes project improves Iraq's border management through equipment handover and training school inauguration

Released 19 September 2024

The EU-funded "Integrated Border Management in the Silk Routes Countries" project, implemented by ICMPD, conducted an equipment handover ceremony at the Border Force Command in Baghdad. Subsequently, the project inaugurated the Border Force Training School in Basrah after a successful renovation. The ceremonies took place on September 17th and 18th respectively.
