Silk Routes Partnership Project

Afghanistan / Iraq / Pakistan

Capacity Development

SBS Ghana: Strengthening Border Security in Ghana


Border Management and Security

EaP IBM CaBuiPro: Eastern Partnership Integrated Border Management Capacity Building Project

Armenia / Azerbaijan / Belarus / Georgia / Moldova (Republic of)

Border Management and Security

EaP-SIPPAP: EaP Cooperation in the Fight against Irregular Migration – Supporting the Implementation of the PP Action Plan

Armenia / Azerbaijan / Georgia / Belarus / Ukraine / Moldova (Republic of)

Irregular Migration

SEFRO I: Activities Related to Border Security Matters

Central America

Border Management and Security

BOMCA 9: Border Management Programme in Central Asia - Phase 9

Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / Uzbekistan

Border Management and Security

ASCAP Türkiye: Supporting development of sustainable asylum capacities in Türkiye


Asylum and International Protection / Capacity Development

JEMPAS: Support to the Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Jordan / Hungary / Bulgaria / Romania / Portugal / Poland

Capacity Development

OCWAR-T: Organised crime: West African Response to trafficking

Nigeria / Senegal / Ghana / Cabo Verde / Benin / Burkina Faso / Côte d'Ivoire / Gambia / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Liberia / Mali / Sierra Leone / Togo / Mauritania / Niger

Trafficking in human beings
