Europe as a hotspot for global talent – Is it ready?

Released 29 January 2024

Though Europe has come a long way, it is not yet ready to be the leading talent destination of the world. Despite progress, there are obstacles that leaders and practitioners across Europe must still overcome before the region can call itself the place where the global labour market comes to live, study, and work. An emphasis on ‘living’ is more important than ever in this equation.

Africa-to-Europe value chains: How nearshoring can mitigate Europe’s migration crisis and aid energy transition

Released 08 February 2024

Africa-to-Europe value chains in manufacturing and agri-food production can mitigate factors driving current migration patterns by employing Africans in local value-added production and boosting African GDP growth, reorienting Africa-Europe relations towards mutual economic benefit and dignity.

Why integration monitoring matters and how to implement it effectively

Released 12 January 2024

Immigrant integration remains a pressing issue for policymakers in Europe and beyond, and monitoring reports offer a useful resource for collecting evidence and assessing integration outcomes and policies. This commentary highlights how integration monitoring can be a beneficial policy tool and provides insight on how to address potential challenges when developing and conducting integration monitoring.    

Carrots and sticks in migration cooperation: Three uncomfortable truths

Released 17 January 2024

Conventional wisdom holds that Europe should use tools from all policy fields, especially the holy trinity of visa, trade, and aid incentives, to reach its migration goals. But what if the prescribed medicine only works for a few patients? New research spells out three uncomfortable truths that should guide Europe’s use of carrots and sticks in migration cooperation in the future.  

Extending temporary protection: It seems most viable, but is it?

Released 04 March 2024

While the Temporary Protection Directive has been praised for its success in providing immediate assistance to millions, uncertainty remains about what will happen once it ends. One option that has recently gained attention is to further prolong temporary protection beyond March 2025. It may seem straightforward to simply extend temporary protection by another year, yet this may create some important challenges beyond deferring longer term decisions.

Commentary on the occasion of the 10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day

Released 16 October 2016

18 October 2016 is the 10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day. In a three-part-blog series, ICMPD analyses challenges and future priorities for the EU and its Member States in combating trafficking in human beings. In view of the forthcoming EU Anti-Trafficking Strategy, we're looking at current anti-trafficking efforts in the context of global migration trends and policies, asking the question of how current debates might shape anti-trafficking in the coming years.

Lessons from a Migration Policy Crisis

Released 03 November 2016

The surge in the number of refugees and migrants making their way to Europe in 2015 brought the weaknesses of the fragile European migration and protection system to the forefront and indeed led to a virtual collapse of some of its key components, such as the Dublin Regulation. This triggered a policy and political crisis within the European Union as Member States and European Commission found themselves in disagreement over how to effectively handle the situation.

Infographic - Complementary labour pathways: Tapping into displaced talent

Released 06 June 2023

This infographic provides an introduction to complementary labour pathways, explaining who they are for, what benefits they can bring, and how they can be expanded in the EU.

Infographic - Expanding the possibilities of working holidays

Released 16 May 2024

This infographic provides an introduction to working holidays and other youth mobility schemes, explaining their potential benefits and how they can be expanded in EU Member States.

Breaking taboos: EU asylum and migration policy since 2020

Released 05 June 2024

This commentary reflects on the major migration-related policy developments over the past four years that influenced or culminated in the EU’s new Pact on Migration and Asylum. It describes a radically changed landscape since 2020, when governments — principally out of realpolitik — broke taboos, one by one, right across the migration policy spectrum, a trend which looks set to continue after the European elections on 6-9 June.   

Infographic - Key migration policy developments during the 2019-2024 European Commission

Released 05 June 2024

This timeline charts the key EU migration policy developments and events influencing the discourse on migration during the 2019-2024 European Commission. 

Infographics - Potential refugee labour pathways to five EU countries

Released 06 June 2023

These infographics map selected legal migration channels and other labour migration initiatives that might be utilised to support complementary labour pathways to Austria, Czechia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

EUDiF: EU Global Diaspora Facility


Diaspora and Migrants / Migration and Development / Multi-Lateral Dialogue / Database / Diaspora Association / Diaspora / Diaspora Engagement

MOMENTA 2: Migration Media Training Academy

Armenia / Azerbaijan / Belarus / Georgia / Moldova (Republic of) / Ukraine

Cross Cutting Topics / Migration Narratives and Public Opinion

FMM West Africa: Support to Free Movement of Persons and Migration in West Africa

ECOWAS Member States and Mauritania / Benin / Burkina Faso / Gambia / Ghana / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Côte d'Ivoire / Liberia / Mali / Mauritania / Niger / Nigeria / Senegal / Sierra Leone / Togo / Cabo Verde

Capacity Development

BMP Maghreb: Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region

Morocco / Tunisia

Border Management and Security / Border Management and Security

eMGPP: evidence-driven Migration Governance Policy and Practice in North Africa

Egypt / Algeria / Libya / Tunisia / Morocco

Governance / Research / Policy / Policy&Research / Governance / Research

TALENTAS: Developing a strategy for the implementation of a talent policy in Lithuania


Capacity Development / Policy / Legal and Labour Migration

LMS: Labour Migration Strategy in Poland


Return and Reintegration / Policy / Legal and Labour Migration

FReMM: Development of a Forced-Return Monitoring System in the Republic of Moldova

Moldova (Republic of)

Return and Reintegration / Forced Return

CAIR: Capacity building for long-term reintegration of returnees to Afghanistan and Iraq

Afghanistan / Iraq

Capacity Development / Cross Cutting Topics / Return and Reintegration

IMED: Developing the Iraqi Government’s knowledge and expertise in migration governance


Capacity Development / Cross Cutting Topics / Diaspora and Migrants / Governance
