Project News
SUPPORT PMM: Study visit on Reintegration Assistance to support Türkiye’s NAVRR Mechanism

05 May 2023

The ICMPD-implemented SUPPORT PMM Project recently conducted a study visit to Pakistan's Islamabad, Lahore, and Gujrat from April 25th to 28th, 2023 to strengthen Türkiye's National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism through individual and community-based reintegration assistance.

The ICMPD-implemented SUPPORT PMM Project recently conducted a study visit to Pakistan's Islamabad, Lahore, and Gujrat from April 25th to 28th, 2023 to strengthen Türkiye's National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism through individual and community-based reintegration assistance.

BOMCA 10 supports Central Asian NGOs working in the border regions

04 May 2023

The Border Management Programme in Central Asia – Phase 10 (BOMCA 10) selected nine actions for the benefit of border communities within its first Call for proposals among Central Asian NGOs.

The Border Management Programme in Central Asia – Phase 10 (BOMCA 10) selected nine actions for the benefit of border communities within its first Call for proposals among Central Asian NGOs.

Project News
STREAMinG: Workshop on Diaspora Policy and Engagement Practices for Georgia

04 May 2023

In order to facilitate further involvement of Georgian diaspora in country’s development processes, and ensure achievement of greater impact of diaspora engagement, the Government of Georgia in close cooperation with ICMPD continues formation of diaspora engagement mechanisms.  

In order to facilitate further involvement of Georgian diaspora in country’s development processes, and ensure achievement of greater impact of diaspora engagement, the Government of Georgia in close cooperation with ICMPD continues formation of diaspora engagement mechanisms.  

Project News
STREAMinG: Study Visit to Slovenia on Visa and Residence Policy

04 May 2023

The STREAMinG Project organised a study visit to Slovenia on visa and residence regulations to further strengthen the capacities of the Migration and Citizenship Unit of the Public Service Development Agency of Georgia, on 24-27 April 2023. The visit was funded by the EU and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

The STREAMinG Project organised a study visit to Slovenia on visa and residence regulations to further strengthen the capacities of the Migration and Citizenship Unit of the Public Service Development Agency of Georgia, on 24-27 April 2023. The visit was funded by the EU and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Project News
MOBILAZE2 Project: Roundtable discussion on the integration of migrants and refugees in Azerbaijan

02 May 2023

The MOBILAZE 2 project organised a roundtable discussion on 28 April 2023, for the Azerbaijani government institutions, international organisations, local and international experts on the integration of migrants and refugees living in Azerbaijan in Baku Azerbaijan.

The MOBILAZE 2 project organised a roundtable discussion on 28 April 2023, for the Azerbaijani government institutions, international organisations, local and international experts on the integration of migrants and refugees living in Azerbaijan in Baku Azerbaijan.

In Focus
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a year of great uncertainty

26 April 2023

2022 was defined by a new chapter of interstate war in Europe – with far-reaching consequences for Ukraine itself as well as neighbouring countries and even those on the other side of the globe. The war has shaped, and will continue to shape, ICMPD’s work and support to Member States and partners. 

2022 was defined by a new chapter of interstate war in Europe – with far-reaching consequences for Ukraine itself as well as neighbouring countries and even those on the other side of the globe. The war has shaped, and will continue to shape, ICMPD’s work and support to Member States and partners. 

In Focus
Annual interview with ICMPD's Director General Michael Spindelegger

26 April 2023

Michael Spindelegger, Director General of ICMPD, on the war in Ukraine and its consequences for neighbouring countries, the European Union and the present and future of ICMPD.


Michael Spindelegger, Director General of ICMPD, on the war in Ukraine and its consequences for neighbouring countries, the European Union and the present and future of ICMPD.


Project News
Roundtable discussion on the results of the analysis in the area of migration and asylum management

24 April 2023

On 3 April, a roundtable discussion gathered representatives of the Inspectorate General for Migration (IGM) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova together with SCOP project team and experts working on the analysis of the status quo at IGM and in the area of migration management.

On 3 April, a roundtable discussion gathered representatives of the Inspectorate General for Migration (IGM) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova together with SCOP project team and experts working on the analysis of the status quo at IGM and in the area of migration management.

In Focus
ICMPD and GIZ signed Memorandum of Understanding

21 April 2023

On 18 April, ICMPD and GIZ signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim to further deepen their partnership, engage in innovative joint initiatives, mutual learning, evidence-based programming and policy-making.

On 18 April, ICMPD and GIZ signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim to further deepen their partnership, engage in innovative joint initiatives, mutual learning, evidence-based programming and policy-making.

Project News
Canine teams of the State Customs Service of Ukraine improve detection skills with EU4IBM-Resilience project support

17 April 2023

On 14 April 2023, ten canine teams of the State Customs Service of Ukraine successfully completed a two-week specialized training that was provided by the "EU Support in Strengthening Integrated Border Management in Ukraine – Resilience”, the European Union-funded project.

On 14 April 2023, ten canine teams of the State Customs Service of Ukraine successfully completed a two-week specialized training that was provided by the "EU Support in Strengthening Integrated Border Management in Ukraine – Resilience”, the European Union-funded project.

Project News
NAVRR Project delivered training on Monitoring and Evaluation to support Türkiye’s NAVRR Mechanism

29 March 2023

The NAVRR Project implemented by ICMPD held the training on Monitoring and Evaluation to further strengthen Türkiye’s National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism in Ankara between the dates of 27-28 March 2023.

The NAVRR Project implemented by ICMPD held the training on Monitoring and Evaluation to further strengthen Türkiye’s National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism in Ankara between the dates of 27-28 March 2023.

KOMPLEKS Project: Study Visit to Prague

24 March 2023

Between the 7th and 9th of March 2023, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organized a study visit for representatives of Polish local authorities and project partners to the Czech Republic.

Between the 7th and 9th of March 2023, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organized a study visit for representatives of Polish local authorities and project partners to the Czech Republic.

Around the Globe
ICMPD Director General visits Türkiye after earthquake catastrophe

20 March 2023

On 6-8 March 2023, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger visited Türkiye, where he met Mr. Süleyman Soylu, Minister of Interior, Mr. Savaş Ünlü, the President of the Presidency of Migration Management and other high-level officials. The aim of the visit was to express ICMPD’s condolences following the catastrophe and its commitment to support Turkish authorities in the relief efforts in the affected regions, as well as to exchange updates and ideas for mid and long term support efforts.

On 6-8 March 2023, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger visited Türkiye, where he met Mr. Süleyman Soylu, Minister of Interior, Mr. Savaş Ünlü, the President of the Presidency of Migration Management and other high-level officials. The aim of the visit was to express ICMPD’s condolences following the catastrophe and its commitment to support Turkish authorities in the relief efforts in the affected regions, as well as to exchange updates and ideas for mid and long term support efforts.

Project News
CareFor project: Workshop on rendering psychological services held in Moldova

17 March 2023

On 16 March, ICMPD organised a workshop for Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) to exchange experience on rendering psychological services to the residents of the two temporary accommodation centres managed by the Inspectorate-General for Migration. The workshop gathered representatives of relevant public authorities, NGOs, project partners, ICMPD expert and project team.

On 16 March, ICMPD organised a workshop for Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) to exchange experience on rendering psychological services to the residents of the two temporary accommodation centres managed by the Inspectorate-General for Migration. The workshop gathered representatives of relevant public authorities, NGOs, project partners, ICMPD expert and project team.

Project News
SCOP project: supporting personal data protection in migration in Moldova

17 March 2023

On 14-16 March, a workshop on protecting personal data in migration area with a  focus on information and communication technologies was organised for the representatives of the Inspectorate General for Migration (IGM) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova.

On 14-16 March, a workshop on protecting personal data in migration area with a  focus on information and communication technologies was organised for the representatives of the Inspectorate General for Migration (IGM) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova.
