Project News
EUIBM Lebanon Marks its 10 year anniversary

12 December 2022

A milestone event was held in Beirut to celebrate the completion of 10 years of Integrated Border Management in Lebanon.

A milestone event was held in Beirut to celebrate the completion of 10 years of Integrated Border Management in Lebanon.

Project News
Kick-off conference of the NACORAC Project held in Ankara

12 December 2022

On 30 November 2022, the kick-off conference of the "Supporting the Institutional Capacity of the National Coordination and Joint Risk Analysis Centre (NACORAC)" Project was held in Ankara with high level participation. The project is implemented by ICMPD’s Western Balkans and Türkiye Regional Office and funded by the European Union.

On 30 November 2022, the kick-off conference of the "Supporting the Institutional Capacity of the National Coordination and Joint Risk Analysis Centre (NACORAC)" Project was held in Ankara with high level participation. The project is implemented by ICMPD’s Western Balkans and Türkiye Regional Office and funded by the European Union.

In Focus
Visual language and migration: the MIEUX+ Annual report 2021-2022

07 December 2022

On 5 December, the joint EU-ICMPD MIgration EU eXpertise Initiative (MIEUX+) released format the second annual report of the current phase launched in April 2020, as a video. The video covers the period between April 2021 and May 2022, providing highlights of several ongoing projects in Benin, Brazil, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Mauritius as well mentioning new projects, publications and engagement efforts with its 1,000-strong community of international migration practitioners.

On 5 December, the joint EU-ICMPD MIgration EU eXpertise Initiative (MIEUX+) released format the second annual report of the current phase launched in April 2020, as a video. The video covers the period between April 2021 and May 2022, providing highlights of several ongoing projects in Benin, Brazil, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Mauritius as well mentioning new projects, publications and engagement efforts with its 1,000-strong community of international migration practitioners.

Project News
The 5th International Border Management Conference is held in Amman

05 December 2022

The 5th International Border Management Conference took place in Amman, Jordan, on 23 and 24 November 2022. The Conference was organised by ICMPD under the Patronage of the Minister of Interior of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, H.E. Mazin Abdellah Al Farrayeh.

The 5th International Border Management Conference took place in Amman, Jordan, on 23 and 24 November 2022. The Conference was organised by ICMPD under the Patronage of the Minister of Interior of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, H.E. Mazin Abdellah Al Farrayeh.

Project News
ICMPD organises workshops in Tripoli on consular crisis management and the engagement of Libyans living abroad

05 December 2022

On 7 – 9 November 2022, ICMPD organised workshops with the Libyan authorities focused on strengthening the management of consular crises abroad as well as improving communication and outreach to Libyans living abroad within the framework of the EU- and Swiss co-funded LIBMITAF project.

On 7 – 9 November 2022, ICMPD organised workshops with the Libyan authorities focused on strengthening the management of consular crises abroad as well as improving communication and outreach to Libyans living abroad within the framework of the EU- and Swiss co-funded LIBMITAF project.

In Focus
Humanitarian crises and global conflicts are increasing human trafficking - ICAT Call to Action

05 December 2022

On 2 December 2022, the 31 member organisations of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT), have issued a Call to Action urging countries, in the context of increasing crises, to put in place effective responses and increase cooperation to combat this crime.

On 2 December 2022, the 31 member organisations of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT), have issued a Call to Action urging countries, in the context of increasing crises, to put in place effective responses and increase cooperation to combat this crime.

Around the Globe
ICMPD Director General on mission to Türkiye meets high-level representatives

01 December 2022

On a three-day mission to Türkiye, from 29 November – 01 December, ICMPD’s Director General, Michael Spindelegger met with the Minister of Interior and the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Türkiye as well as numerous high-ranking representatives. He participated in NACORAC project’s kick-off conference as well as in the Budapest Annual Process Senior Officials Meeting.

On a three-day mission to Türkiye, from 29 November – 01 December, ICMPD’s Director General, Michael Spindelegger met with the Minister of Interior and the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Türkiye as well as numerous high-ranking representatives. He participated in NACORAC project’s kick-off conference as well as in the Budapest Annual Process Senior Officials Meeting.

Project News
Primary medical care offered at the Migrants Accommodation Centre through the CareFor Project in Moldova

29 November 2022

The lack of a permanent physician has been a pressing issue at the Chisinau Migrants Accommodation Centre in the last few years. Thanks to the CareFor project, the Centre’s residents now benefit from primary medical attention.

The lack of a permanent physician has been a pressing issue at the Chisinau Migrants Accommodation Centre in the last few years. Thanks to the CareFor project, the Centre’s residents now benefit from primary medical attention.

Project News
Ghana Immigration Service receives more equipment to strengthen security surveillance at Ghana's borders

29 November 2022

The European Union in Ghana within the framework of the SBS Ghana project has donated five motor bikes and other security equipment to the Ghana Immigration Service to fight human trafficking and strengthen security surveillance at Ghana's borders. This will support GIS in its effort to ensure greater security for citizens and visitors, while guaranteeing the respect for the rule of law and human rights standards by border management authorities.

The European Union in Ghana within the framework of the SBS Ghana project has donated five motor bikes and other security equipment to the Ghana Immigration Service to fight human trafficking and strengthen security surveillance at Ghana's borders. This will support GIS in its effort to ensure greater security for citizens and visitors, while guaranteeing the respect for the rule of law and human rights standards by border management authorities.

Press Release
Training centre and business park opened in Enugu (Nigeria)

25 November 2022

Unique collaboration bringing together migration expertise, a local university and the private sector, opens up prospects for the local population, business location and companies

On 25 November 2022, a vocational training facility, the Centre of Practical Skills, as well as the Godfrey Okoye University European Business Park, were opened in Enugu, Nigeria. This unique combination of private entrepreneur involvement and skilled worker training will enable 100 people per year to undertake dual education and training to learn skilled trades and become plumbers, electricians and construction supervisors.

Unique collaboration bringing together migration expertise, a local university and the private sector, opens up prospects for the local population, business location and companies

On 25 November 2022, a vocational training facility, the Centre of Practical Skills, as well as the Godfrey Okoye University European Business Park, were opened in Enugu, Nigeria. This unique combination of private entrepreneur involvement and skilled worker training will enable 100 people per year to undertake dual education and training to learn skilled trades and become plumbers, electricians and construction supervisors.

SPRING delivered a workshop on good practices in the integration of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

24 November 2022

On 17-18 November 2022, ICMPD and SOLIDAR co-organised a SPRING workshop taking place in Brussels, Belgium, focusing on good practices in the integration of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers and improved integration outcomes through mutual learning.

On 17-18 November 2022, ICMPD and SOLIDAR co-organised a SPRING workshop taking place in Brussels, Belgium, focusing on good practices in the integration of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers and improved integration outcomes through mutual learning.

Project News
Workshop and a senior officials meeting to support Türkiye’s NAVRR Mechanism

18 November 2022

In Ankara on 10-11 November, the NAVRR Project held an operational workshop and senior officials meeting on reintegration and post-arrival assistance delivery for the national stakeholders of Türkiye’s National Assisted Voluntary Return & Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism. Contributions to the workshop were made by ICMPD’s Senior AVRR Expert and Return, Readmission & Reintegration Specialist, together with the Pakistani Red Crescent Society as well as BRAC from Bangladesh and Shaqodoon from Somalia.

In Ankara on 10-11 November, the NAVRR Project held an operational workshop and senior officials meeting on reintegration and post-arrival assistance delivery for the national stakeholders of Türkiye’s National Assisted Voluntary Return & Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism. Contributions to the workshop were made by ICMPD’s Senior AVRR Expert and Return, Readmission & Reintegration Specialist, together with the Pakistani Red Crescent Society as well as BRAC from Bangladesh and Shaqodoon from Somalia.

Project News
CareFor workshop on communication for migration in Moldova

18 November 2022

On 17 November, ICMPD organised a workshop for Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) to exchange experience on communicating on migration, including in times of crisis. The workshop gathered communication specialists from the project beneficiaries and partners, ICMPD experts and the project team.

On 17 November, ICMPD organised a workshop for Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) to exchange experience on communicating on migration, including in times of crisis. The workshop gathered communication specialists from the project beneficiaries and partners, ICMPD experts and the project team.

In Focus
ICMPD signs Seat Agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco

10 November 2022

On 10 November 2022, the ICMPD Director General, Michael Spindelegger, and the Ambassador Director General of the Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, H.E. Fouad Yazourh, signed the Seat Agreement between ICMPD and the Kingdom of Morocco.

On 10 November 2022, the ICMPD Director General, Michael Spindelegger, and the Ambassador Director General of the Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, H.E. Fouad Yazourh, signed the Seat Agreement between ICMPD and the Kingdom of Morocco.

KOMPLEKS project: Study visit to Austria

10 November 2022

Between the 7th and 9th of November 2022, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organized a study visit for representatives of Polish local authorities and project partners to Austria.

Between the 7th and 9th of November 2022, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organized a study visit for representatives of Polish local authorities and project partners to Austria.
