Project News
SCOP Project: Assessment Mission to Moldova

31 January 2023

During the week of 11-18 November 2022, an assessment mission took place in Chisinau, Moldova within the framework of the ICMPD’s “Support to the Complex Improvement of Migration and Border Management in Moldova (SCOP)” project under its Component 1, funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) of Germany. ICMPD Project Manager and the group of experts tasked with the assessment of HR management with regard to business processes at the Bureau of Migration and Asylum (BMA) of Moldova conducted a series of coordinated field activities, including organisation of workshops and meetings with key stakeholders in the country.

Project News
EU4IMPACT project finalizes the results of the first two Calls

24 January 2023

On 19 January 2023, the ICMPD office in Armenia summarised the result of the first two Calls of EU4IMPACT project. The event was welcomed by Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador, H.E. Mrs. Andrea Wiktorin, ICMPD Regional Portfolio Manage MS Violeta Wagner,  High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, Head of Return and Reintegration Unit from Migration and Citizenship Service and Executive Director of IRIS BI foundation.

On 19 January 2023, the ICMPD office in Armenia summarised the result of the first two Calls of EU4IMPACT project. The event was welcomed by Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador, H.E. Mrs. Andrea Wiktorin, ICMPD Regional Portfolio Manage MS Violeta Wagner,  High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, Head of Return and Reintegration Unit from Migration and Citizenship Service and Executive Director of IRIS BI foundation.

Project News
STREAMinG Project: Georgia’s Diaspora Awards 2022

18 January 2023

Georgia’s Diaspora Awards is a high-level event aimed at the recognition of achievements of the prominent professionals of Georgian origin who have contributed to the promotion of Georgia’s positive image abroad. The event is organised in Georgia annually by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia in cooperation with ICMPD. 

Georgia’s Diaspora Awards is a high-level event aimed at the recognition of achievements of the prominent professionals of Georgian origin who have contributed to the promotion of Georgia’s positive image abroad. The event is organised in Georgia annually by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia in cooperation with ICMPD. 

Press Release
Migration Outlook report: Possible second wave of refugees from Ukraine and further weaponisation of migration

18 January 2023

The EU could see an influx of up to four million more Ukrainians in 2023, and Russia will seek to further weaponise migration from North Africa and the Middle East. These are just two of the forecasts made in the latest Migration Outlook report 2023 from the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

The EU could see an influx of up to four million more Ukrainians in 2023, and Russia will seek to further weaponise migration from North Africa and the Middle East. These are just two of the forecasts made in the latest Migration Outlook report 2023 from the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

Expert Voice
Cryptography – how modern technology plays into the hands of people smugglers and human traffickers

13 January 2023

The creation of sophisticated encryption tools is closely connected to the efforts of the armed forces and state authorities to conceal their communications and strategic documents, which are important for the functioning of the state, security system and protection of citizens. Special encryption tools are also employed in the private sector, helping to protect corporate know-how from economic espionage. However, Cryptography in the hands of criminal entities makes it more difficult for law enforcement and border authorities to detect, document and investigate serious crime related to smuggling and trafficking in human beings. 

The creation of sophisticated encryption tools is closely connected to the efforts of the armed forces and state authorities to conceal their communications and strategic documents, which are important for the functioning of the state, security system and protection of citizens. Special encryption tools are also employed in the private sector, helping to protect corporate know-how from economic espionage. However, Cryptography in the hands of criminal entities makes it more difficult for law enforcement and border authorities to detect, document and investigate serious crime related to smuggling and trafficking in human beings. 

Project News
SUPPORT PMM delivered training on Outreach and Community Engagement to support Türkiye’s NAVRR Mechanism

09 January 2023

The SUPPORT PMM Project held nine training sessions on Outreach and Community Engagement for Upscaling Türkiye’s National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism in Ankara, between 12-22 December 2022.

The SUPPORT PMM Project held nine training sessions on Outreach and Community Engagement for Upscaling Türkiye’s National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism in Ankara, between 12-22 December 2022.

In Focus
ICMPD and Türkiye sign Seat Agreement

22 December 2022

On 21 December 2022 in Vienna, Mr. Lukas Gehrke, the ICMPD Deputy Director General, and Director for Policy Research and Strategy, and H.E. Mr. Levent Eler, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Türkiye to the UNOV and other International Organizations in Vienna, signed a Seat Agreement between ICMPD and the Republic of Türkiye. The Seat Agreement marks a milestone in the already strong, longstanding cooperation between ICMPD and Türkiye which has further intensified after Türkiye became an ICMPD Member State in 2018.  

On 21 December 2022 in Vienna, Mr. Lukas Gehrke, the ICMPD Deputy Director General, and Director for Policy Research and Strategy, and H.E. Mr. Levent Eler, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Türkiye to the UNOV and other International Organizations in Vienna, signed a Seat Agreement between ICMPD and the Republic of Türkiye. The Seat Agreement marks a milestone in the already strong, longstanding cooperation between ICMPD and Türkiye which has further intensified after Türkiye became an ICMPD Member State in 2018.  

Project News
Workshop on risk analysis held in Moldova

21 December 2022

On 20 December, ICMPD organised a workshop for Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) to exchange experience on risk analysis, especially in light of the country's current state of emergency. The workshop gathered representatives of various public authorities, project partners, ICMPD expert and project team.

On 20 December, ICMPD organised a workshop for Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) to exchange experience on risk analysis, especially in light of the country's current state of emergency. The workshop gathered representatives of various public authorities, project partners, ICMPD expert and project team.

Project News
MOBILAZE 2 and the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan organised an event dedicated to the International Migrants Day

19 December 2022

An event dedicated to December 18, International Migrants Day, on the topic of “Migrants in Azerbaijan: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion was jointly organised by ICMPD Azerbaijan and the State Migration Service in Azerbaijan. The event brought together up to 200 employees of the State Migration Service, ICMPD Head of Region EECA and ICMPD Azerbaijan representatives, high-level representatives of international organizations, government institutions, civil society institutes operating in the migration field, the private sector, diplomatic corps members, as well as migrants.

An event dedicated to December 18, International Migrants Day, on the topic of “Migrants in Azerbaijan: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion was jointly organised by ICMPD Azerbaijan and the State Migration Service in Azerbaijan. The event brought together up to 200 employees of the State Migration Service, ICMPD Head of Region EECA and ICMPD Azerbaijan representatives, high-level representatives of international organizations, government institutions, civil society institutes operating in the migration field, the private sector, diplomatic corps members, as well as migrants.

Project News
INSPIRE Project: Examining private sector’s interest in skills partnerships

19 December 2022

The Inspire project team met with representatives of the German, French and local companies in Albania, Georgia, Ghana and Kenya throughout November-December 2022. This activity follows a stakeholder mapping exercise carried out in the four countries of origin to identify employers in the renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management, construction and ICT sectors that may be encouraged to participate in skills partnerships.

The Inspire project team met with representatives of the German, French and local companies in Albania, Georgia, Ghana and Kenya throughout November-December 2022. This activity follows a stakeholder mapping exercise carried out in the four countries of origin to identify employers in the renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management, construction and ICT sectors that may be encouraged to participate in skills partnerships.

In Focus
ICMPD celebrates 20 years of anti-trafficking expertise, experience and partnership

19 December 2022

This year ICMPD’s Anti-Trafficking Programme (ATP) is celebrating its 20 year’s anniversary. The Programme took the opportunity to mark the occasion by reflecting on its history, milestones in its development and flagship initiatives.

This year ICMPD’s Anti-Trafficking Programme (ATP) is celebrating its 20 year’s anniversary. The Programme took the opportunity to mark the occasion by reflecting on its history, milestones in its development and flagship initiatives.

Project News
Joint Training for Border Management and Law Enforcement Agencies in Tamale

16 December 2022

The Strengthening Border Security in Ghana (SBS Ghana) Project in collaboration with Expertise France and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) organised a six-day Joint Training for Border Management and Law Enforcement Agencies in Tamale from Nov 28 – Dec 3.

The Strengthening Border Security in Ghana (SBS Ghana) Project in collaboration with Expertise France and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) organised a six-day Joint Training for Border Management and Law Enforcement Agencies in Tamale from Nov 28 – Dec 3.

In Focus
Rabat Process Ministerial Conference Adopted New Action Plan on Migration and Development

16 December 2022

On 13-14 December 2022, the 6th Ministerial Conference of the Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development (Rabat Process) took place in Cadiz, hosted by the Kingdom of Spain, which resulted in the adoption of the Political Declaration and Cadiz Action Plan 2023-2027.

On 13-14 December 2022, the 6th Ministerial Conference of the Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development (Rabat Process) took place in Cadiz, hosted by the Kingdom of Spain, which resulted in the adoption of the Political Declaration and Cadiz Action Plan 2023-2027.

In Focus
New initiative examines medium-term policy options for people displaced from Ukraine

12 December 2022

9 months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a joint ICMPD-IGC initiative examines what comes next for persons under temporary protection schemes. Between December 2022 and March 2023, a series of consultations will enable receiving countries to share their insights and plans, while ICMPD and IGC will identify lessons learned and policy options for the road ahead.

9 months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a joint ICMPD-IGC initiative examines what comes next for persons under temporary protection schemes. Between December 2022 and March 2023, a series of consultations will enable receiving countries to share their insights and plans, while ICMPD and IGC will identify lessons learned and policy options for the road ahead.
