Neue Perspektiven: Arbeitsmarktintegration von geflüchteten Frauen aus der Ukraine


Published February 2025

Ukraine / Austria / Germany / Poland


Dieser Bericht fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der INTAKE Studie zur Arbeitsmarktintegration von geflüchteten Frauen aus der Ukraine in Österreich, Deutschland und Polen zusammen. Die Studie basiert auf einer vergleichenden Analyse der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, der Arbeitsmärkte und der Integrationssysteme in den drei genannten Ländern. Datengrundlage sind Interviews mit Expert:innen und geflüchteten Frauen, die Analyse bestehender Studien zur Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten sowie den Integrationssystemen in den drei Ländern. Zudem wurde eine Social- Media-Analyse öffentlich zugänglicher Gruppen ukrainischer Geflüchteter auf den Plattformen Facebook und Telegram durchgeführt. Der Bericht wurde aus Mitteln des EU AMIF – Programms sowie des österreichischen Bundeskanzleramts finanziert.

Neue Perspektiven: Arbeitsmarktintegration von geflüchteten Frauen aus der Ukraine

Policy Brief

Published February 2025

Ukraine / Austria / Germany / Poland

Advances in Border Management: Digitalisation trends and emerging technologies

Working Paper

Published February 2025


Technological advancements are reshaping border management across the EU and beyond. In this ICMPD Working Paper, the authors examine the current state-of-the-art in border management technologies, assessing both their operational benefits and the risks they pose. It provides an overview of the latest advancements and trends in this regard, as related to its role in contemporary border management, with a specific focus on their application within the EU. 

Drawing on expert discussions ICMPD has convened or participated in across international and regional fora, this paper analyses these technological developments as related to their functionality for border management processes (border surveillance and pre-screening; risk analysis, nowcasting, early warning, and forecasting; database management and interoperability; and process facilitation). It also highlights key findings and takeaways policymakers and practitioners should take into account as they consider integrating new technological advancements in their border management strategies.

Do Russia’s attacks on power infrastructure drive forced migration from Ukraine?

Published February 2025


This brief assesses the state of Ukraine’s energy system, and its impact on the population, and discusses the potential for further forced migration to the EU.



Franck Düvell, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), Osnabruck University. | This publication was produced in the framework of the Prague Process Migration Observatory. The Prague Process is funded by the European Union through the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF), which is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

Integrationserfahrungen von Geflüchteten in Österreich

Published January 2025


Der vorliegende Bericht präsentiert die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts FIMAS reCOV, das die Integrationsprozesse von Geflüchteten in Österreich untersucht. Im Fokus stehen die Integrationsentwicklungen der Ankunftskohorte 2014-2018, bestehend aus Asylberechtigten und subsidiär Schutzberechtigten, die in diesem Zeitraum aus den Hauptherkunftsländern Syrien, Afghanistan, Irak und Iran nach Österreich geflüchtet sind. Die Analyse basiert auf den Umfrage-Daten von fünf Erhebungswellen der FIMAS-Längsschnittstudie, die in den Jahren 2018 bis 2024 durchgeführt wurde, insgesamt über 9.800 Befragungen von Geflüchteten.

Russian Migration Policy at the Crossroads: Trends and Regional Repercussions

Policy Brief

Published January 2025


This policy brief highlights main directions in Russia’s migration policy since the 2022 invasion and underscores the implications of these developments for the Prague Process region. It calls for strategic action to strengthen cooperation with Central Asian states to create alternative labour migration pathways and reduce reliance on Russia, counter the use of migrants as a hybrid tool to challenge European members and work to return displaced Ukrainians, particularly children, home from Russia.



Jeff Sahadeo and Nicholas Morrison | This publication was produced in the framework of the Prague Process Migration Observatory. The Prague Process is funded by the European Union through the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF), which is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

ICMPD Migration Outlook 2025


Published January 2025


In 2025, the political world and the world of migration will continue to experience high levels of volatility. This will be marked by systemic rivalry between the world’s great powers, a polynodal international order, greater state fragility, an increasing number of violent conflicts, rising terrorism, the weaponisation of energy and food insecurity. Below are the ten key migration issues to look out for in 2025 that can shape international migration.

Time As Violence: A User-Centric Approach to Digital Migration Management


Published November 2024


This analysis roots itself in the socio-legal examination of individuals’ experiences purchasing migration-related services from service providers in the opportunistic economy while navigating migration policy instruments. The findings of this analysis hold relevance for all types of digital pre-border processing systems, ranging from asylum to labour migration instruments. This research culminates in the development of clear criteria by which policymakers can counteract the emergence of illicit economies based on their migration systems, with benefits both for users navigating these systems and for states seeking to achieve the uniform and non-discriminatory implementation of their migration policies.


Andrew Fallone, doctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology | This publication was produced in the framework of the Prague Process Migration Observatory. The Prague Process is funded by the European Union through the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF), which is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

Storytelling as strategic communication on migration


Published November 2024


As part of the EUROMED Migration (EMM) studies, in partnership with the European Union Institute Migration Policy Centre Observatory on Public Attitudes to Migration (OPAM), EMM is proud to give exclusive access to the publication ‘Storytelling as Strategic Communication on Migration.’ Practitioners regularly recommend storytelling as an effective means of strategic communication about migration. Storytelling is distinct from other forms of communication due to its ability to clear and retain attention, disarm critical thought, and provide an opportunity for the storyteller to demonstrate a large range of skills and thus enhance their credibility. Experimental evidence supports the notion that storytelling is more persuasive than, for example, appeals to authority using experts. This report provides the first review of the academic literature on the characteristics and effects of storytelling and how this might be best used for migration communication and outlines seven best practices according to these criteria and demonstrates them using examples. 

Vienna Migration Conference 2024 closing remarks by ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger


Published October 2024

Vienna Migration Conference 2024 opening speech by ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger


Published October 2024

Migration in the context of climate and environmental changes in non-EU Prague Process States


Published October 2024

#Migration and Environment


This analytical report examines the political challenges and responses to migration driven by climate and environmental changes (MECC) across the non-EU Prague Process states (non-EU PPS). It offers evidence of cases substantiating the climate change-migration nexus and elaborates on the impact that climate change can have on migration movements. It investigates the role of the EU in supporting climate adaptation in non-EU PPS, while reflecting on the impact that latent and ongoing conflicts, often interrelated with water scarcity and mismanagement of (already scant) natural resources, may have in exacerbating climate vulnerability and migration movements. The report illustrates relevant national protection practices covering a wide range of people, both nationals and non-nationals, affected by climate and environmental factors. It also analyses the protection frameworks available to MECC at the national and international level.



Dr. Chiara Scissa, Research Fellow in EU Law at University of Bologna | This publication was produced in the framework of the Prague Process Migration Observatory. The Prague Process is funded by the European Union through the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF), which is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

How fit is the available data on irregular migration for policymaking?

Policy Brief

Published October 2024

#Policy #Irregular Migration #Research


This policy brief gives a 360-degree overview on what we currently know about the extent of irregular migration across the EU. Based on MIrreM’s analysis and aggregation of estimates available for 12 European countries (including the UK) in the period 2016 to 2023, the irregular migrant population can be estimated at between 2.6 and 3.2 million. The previous Clandestino estimate was 1.8 to 3.8 million for the same 12 countries in 2008. This suggests that the number of the irregular migrant population has not substantially changed at the aggregate level for these countries – although there have been important changes in individual countries. In addition, the policy brief also surveys what information is available and still lacking in regard to trends and patterns of irregular movement, including what information we will have on ‘overstayers’, a key proportion of the irregular migrant population identified under the Clandestino project.

Policy responses to the presence of irregular migrants: A typology

Working Paper

Published October 2024

#Policy #Irregular Migration #Research


This working paper is aimed at researchers and others interested in understanding and classifying policy and practical approaches to migrant irregularity. Addressing irregular migration has become an important focus within the migration policy field. Policymakers tend to emphasise the need to address irregular arrivals, yet in fact have a wide range of policy responses at their disposal. MIrreM research has highlighted the wide range of policy responses to the presence of irregular migrants, including how policies provide pathways into and out of irregularity (Hendow et al., 2024); this working paper aims to classify them within a typology. It builds on the existing MIrreM conceptualisation of migrant irregularity (Kraler & Ahrens, 2023), focusing on the intersection between the pathways into and out of irregularity and the stocks of irregular migrants.

Migration Observatory Selected Publications 2023-24


Published September 2024


This compilation showcases in-depth analyses and research findings on migration trends, policy developments, and the various challenges and opportunities within the Prague Process region. The selected works from 2023 and 2024 reflect the Observatory’s commitment to the six thematic areas outlined in the Prague Process Action Plan 2023-2027.
