Policy responses to the presence of irregular migrants: A typology

Working Paper

Published October 2024

#Research #Irregular Migration #Policy


This working paper is aimed at researchers and others interested in understanding and classifying policy and practical approaches to migrant irregularity. Addressing irregular migration has become an important focus within the migration policy field. Policymakers tend to emphasise the need to address irregular arrivals, yet in fact have a wide range of policy responses at their disposal. MIrreM research has highlighted the wide range of policy responses to the presence of irregular migrants, including how policies provide pathways into and out of irregularity (Hendow et al., 2024); this working paper aims to classify them within a typology. It builds on the existing MIrreM conceptualisation of migrant irregularity (Kraler & Ahrens, 2023), focusing on the intersection between the pathways into and out of irregularity and the stocks of irregular migrants.

Migration Observatory Selected Publications 2023-24


Published September 2024


This compilation showcases in-depth analyses and research findings on migration trends, policy developments, and the various challenges and opportunities within the Prague Process region. The selected works from 2023 and 2024 reflect the Observatory’s commitment to the six thematic areas outlined in the Prague Process Action Plan 2023-2027.

The place for modern technologies in the integration of migrants

Policy Brief

Published August 2024


This Policy Brief explores how migrants engage with modern technologies throughout their integration trajectories in host countries, highlighting the reasons why they may encounter digital obstacles and the instances where governments have, intentionally or unintentionally, marginalised them. This brief also examines the opportunities and limitations of existing bottom-up and top-down approaches to digitalisation in migrant integration processes, particularly in Europe, as well as offers recommendations on how digital technologies can be better tailored to migrants’ needs, thereby enabling more efficient investments in digital technologies within integration settings and generating increased opportunities for migrant agency.


Dr. Amanda Alencar, Associate Professor at the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam. This publication was produced in the framework of the Prague Process, financed by the European Union through the Migration Partnership Facility

Guidelines for Integration of Migrants and Refugees in the Republic of Azerbaijan


Published August 2024


#Mobility Partnership #Capacity Development #Cross Cutting Topics


The Guidelines for the integration of refugees and migrants are developed in the framework of the EU-funded “Supporting implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE 2)” project for institutions and organisations which will provide integration services in the future. The guidelines provide a framework for the effective integration of migrants and refugees into host communities in Azerbaijan. The Guidelines emphasise the importance of fostering social inclusion, ensuring equal access to services, and promoting cultural understanding. Key areas of focus include education, employment, healthcare, and social cohesion. The guidelines advocate for creating supportive policies that respect human rights and dignity, encourage community engagement, and facilitate the economic and social contributions of migrants and refugees in Azerbaijan. Collaboration between governments, NGOs, and local communities is essential for successful integration.

Report on the Mapping of the Key Stakeholders from Public and Private Sectors in Georgia and Belgium in Migration Management and Innovation Ecosystem


Published August 2024

Georgia / Belgium

#Private Sector #Migration and Development #Capacity Development #Mobility #Legal and Labour Migration


The aim of this mapping report was to identify the key stakeholders from public sector working on migration management in respective countries as well as the private sector entities, organisations and funds that support start-ups, scaleups and SME development, in scope with the EMLINK project objectives. In order to gain comprehensive overview for the mapping and insights into the focus of the work of the key stakeholders, the experts from Georgia and from Belgium have been identified to develop this report together with the ICMPD EMLINK project team.

Ireland joins the European migration organisation ICMPD

Press release

Published July 2024


Mobility and labour dynamics after the EU Year of Skills: Are we fit for the future?

Policy Brief

Published July 2024

#Migration and Development #Legal and Labour Migration #Policy


In 2023, an estimated 3 in 4 European employers struggled to find skilled employees. As the EU’s working-age population is expected to continue to decrease, existing gaps will become even harder to fill. Yet, over the same period, working-age populations are estimated to increase in many African, Asian, and Latin American countries. In this context, our latest policy brief aims to foster debate on enhancing skills mobility as a global priority and offers recommendations for EU and national policymakers as well as other key actors. This brief results from a project conducted by ICMPD with the European Policy Centre (EPC), the Egmont Institute and the Belgian Development Agency, Enabel, in the context of the EU Year of Skills.

Integrating youth perspectives in migration policy processes – Diaspora Youth Recommendations


Published July 2024

#Diaspora and Migrants #Governance #Migration and Development


This publication presents recommendations from diaspora youth on including youth perspectives in migration policy processes. It is the result of a co-drafting process between youth diaspora representatives, organised by the EU Global Diaspora Facility, and covers recognition of youth expertise, access to funding and inclusion in governance structures.

Impacts of Russia’s War in Ukraine on Migration in Central Asia

Policy Brief

Published July 2024


This Policy Brief explores the status quo of migration in and out of Central Asia two years since Russia invaded Ukraine, focusing on anticipated and unexpected developments that continue to shape migration realities in this part of the Prague Process region. 

Ministerial Conference of the Salzburg Forum


Published June 2024


#Irregular Migration #Migration and Development #Trafficking in Human Beings

Understanding and supporting female immigrant labour: Comparing the cases of Jordan and Norway


Published June 2024

Jordan / Norway

#Policy #Integration and Social Cohesion #Legal and Labour Migration #Asylum and International Protection

Challenges related to the reception of unaccompanied children from Ukraine in Poland – legal representation issues


Published June 2024

Ukraine / Poland

#Asylum and International Protection #Policy

Migration Curriculum

Working Paper

Published June 2024


#Cross Cutting Topics


The Curriculum was developed based on the Migration Textbook produced within the EU-funded project “Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE 2)” implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). The Curriculum was designed for the needs of academia as well as beyond, such as the Regional Training Centre on Migration (RTCM) of the State Migration Service in Azerbaijan (SMS) and training centres of related migration authorities and relevant non-state organisations. Its use is intended not only for academia but also for non-academic environments to provide updated information on migration management in Azerbaijan amongst relevant stakeholders.

Re-balancing Migration Narratives: Key Lessons on Communication from EUROMED Migration V

Working Paper

Published June 2024

#Migration Narratives and Public Opinion #Migration Dialogues


This report overviews and discusses the key findings from the original research of the EUROMED Migration V programme on migration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Each report was dedicated to a different facet of migration narratives and each offering an original contribution that can help communicators offer a more balanced set of migration narratives.

Emigration narratives: what migrants believe and why it matters

Working Paper

Published June 2024

#Migration Narratives and Public Opinion #Migration Dialogues


Why do some people choose to migrate and some people not? Why are some willing to do so via irregular channels and some unwilling?  Answering these questions allows us to design better interventions to achieve migration policy objectives such as “safe, regular, and orderly migration”. It also helps us answer profound scientific questions using the timeless yet increasingly important case of migration. Given the salience, uncertainty, complexity, risk and novelty of migration—as well as its emotive and valuedriven nature—we can expect narratives to play a powerful and rich role in emigration decisions. This report builds on recent findings and cutting-edge data to investigate the role of narratives in affecting variation in various forms of migration behaviour.
